As Japan has experienced numerous natural disasters, most recently Noto Peninsula Earthquake in January 2024, Japanese local governments and tourism businesses has developed strategies and practices to protect tourists and tourism workers in the event of crises. It is also recognized that tourism industry needs to be protected from medium to long term damage including reputational damage after the crises, and multiple measures has been implemented by national and local government, tourism organizations and other stakeholders.
While tourism resilience refers to the ability of a tourism-based community, region, or country to withstand, adapt to, and recover from adversities such as natural disasters, economic downturns, public health crises, and other disturbances. To improve resiliency of tourism, destinations and tourism businesses need to implement pro-active strategies and measures before the next crises.
In this regard, the symposium focuses on leveraging experience and lessons from past crises to prepare for the future and invite speakers from national and local government, tourism businesses and tourism organizations affected by major disasters in the past. By sharing the knowledge and experiences possessed by panelists, participants will gain insights for better tourism resilience.
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現地参加は最大220名まで / On site participation: 220 MAX
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